How it Works

$118 x 125 Menches = $14,750 to a Nonprofit Four Times a Year

Every Quarter JPitchLA will feature 4 nonprofits to receive a donation from our members.

This quarter we are excited to feature 4 great nonprofits: 
Yiddishkayt, Magen Am, Lev LA, and the Pico Union Project.
Each of these organizations serves our community and deserves your attention. Learn about each organization by clicking on the organization menu item.

When you are ready, register.
We will then send you an email to get your vote and your nomination
for a nonprofit to be featured in a future quarter.
 On July 10, we will close the voting window and announce the winning nonprofit!

Winner Announced: July 10, 2024

Do A Mitzvah!

JPitchLA has partnered with The Giving Group – an easy and secure way to make your donation! To join us every quarter opt-in to make automatic electronic donations. All you have to do is sign-up.

We ask that everyone commits to giving $118 and the nonprofit that receives the most votes receives the funds. Think of your donation gift as your ticket to vote. 

Listen & Learn

Each non-profit will submit information their organization and how the donation would be spent.


Members vote on which cause to support.
Once you register you will get an email asking for your vote.
The non-profit that receives the most votes by the deadline will be awarded all of
the donations (If we get $118 from 125 voters the nonprofit would receive $14,750!).

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